Brand Shoot SacTown

My third official brand shoot took place on Saturday, June 22, 2024, in Sacramento, California. Nearly five months after my first brand shoot back in January. I chose a photo studio in Sacramento because a couple of my brand ambassadors lived in Sac, so I figured that I wouldn’t make them travel to the Bay Area this time around. I was really excited about the event because one, I was collaborating with another designer, and two, I would also be working with and meeting my new brand ambassadors for the first time. In addition to Mary Jane and Devon, the rest of the team included the spiritual, yet feisty Aaliyah, the mysterious Nae, and the sensuous, Rose Triplett. I had kind of vetted each of them a few weeks prior to the shoot, so I was looking forward to meeting them in person. Plus, they also knew Mary Jane.
The photo studio featured a large infinity wall and a retro style living room set. Because of this, I hired two photographers for the shoot. An OG, named Dion, who had worked with Mary Jane and Rose, previously; and an up-and-coming photographer named Johnathan from the Bay Area. I would be meeting them for the first time, too. It was like, 105 in Sacramento that day. I was running a little late, and when I arrived, Dion, Johnathan, and Rose were waiting for me. Once inside the studio, the first thing we all noticed was how hot it was. If it was 105 outside, it was like, 120 inside the studio. Seriously, it was almost unbearable. There were three portable fans provided by the host, but they were totally inadequate. Mary Jane, Aaliyah, and Nae, arrived a short time later along with Devon.
As Dion and Johnathan set up their equipment, the rest of the team got in motion as well. I had already prepped them on what merch they would each be modeling, including a couple of custom-made crochet hats by my sista friend Andrea at Roots of Dopeness. It never ceases to amaze me to watch the models do their thang as they get ready for a shoot. I mean, the makeup, the different outfits, and the attention to detail. They make it look easy. The atmosphere was chill, and me and my team got busy doing what we do. Despite the heat, the brand shoot was a big success. We got a tremendous amount of work done and had fun in the process.
If you would like to see more photos/video clips from this epic event, be sure to check us out on Instagram. Thanks.