Family Matters

If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, it’s really important to understand that everybody won’t support you. I mean, that’s to be expected, right?!? But that lack of support will also come from your own family. Yes, the people closest to you usually won’t support you. I know that sounds wild, but sadly, it’s true. It can be your brother, your sister, or even your parents. Now, I’m sure there are exceptions, but more often than not, your family won’t be all in.
Trust me, I know from personal experience what it feels like to have family members distance themselves from you when you decide to level up. Don’t be discouraged, though. See, you gotta understand that that’s part of the process. And there could be any number of reasons why your family won’t support you. Unfortunately, it’s usually because of jealousy or envy, or both. Your decision to start your own business and level up will actually intimidate some people. Including members of your own family.
When you realize that their feelings towards you is a reflection of their own personal insecurities, it’s a lot easier to understand and deal with it. Sure, support from your family would be great, but the support you’re looking for will most likely come from strangers. That’s right, people who don’t even know you. In the meantime, you literally have to become your own biggest fan. Believe in yourself, and don’t give up just because your family doesn’t support you. Stay ten toes down because you will eventually succeed.