Ten Toes Down

As someone who knows from personal experience, what it feels like to be disregarded and counted out; my recent success in relaunching my brand has been especially gratifying. Don’t get it twisted though. Dealing with rejection from the people who I thought loved and cared for me is one hell of a gut punch. And if I’m gonna keep it a buck, that shit hurt like hell. Thankfully, by the grace of the almighty, I was able recover, refocus, and regain my sense of purpose. I also had to accept the fact that God will remove certain people from your life for a reason.
I’ve learned that my situation is no exception to the rule. Apparently, being hated on by the people closest to you is part of the process. Which is true because my inner circle has grown significantly smaller since I decided to do what’s best for me and keep it moving. To be clear, I’m at peace. I’m not mad at anybody and I’m not holding any grudges. Like I said, I accept it for what it is. Ironically, my journey to success is similar to so many others who decided to start their own business or pursue a personal goal.
The point is, I didn’t let the hate break me. Instead, I used it as motivation to go harder. I decided to stay ten toes down and keep going forward. Sure, it hurt, but once I realized it wasn’t me that had the problem, it was a lot easier to just accept it move accordingly. And to think, it was just nine months ago that I decided to relaunch my brand and here I am. I couldn’t have scripted this any better myself. Maybe it’s my calling, or maybe it’s my destiny. Whatever it is, it’s meant to be. I just have to trust the process.